Ingignis Academy Trust

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Information for Overseas Graduates (NON EU) Working in the UK

Information for Overseas Teachers 

Since Brexit, there have been some rule changes to working in the UK and how to access a Visa to work in the UK.

To work in the UK, you must quality for a Visa for Employment. If you are not eligible for a Visa or do not already hold a Visa to work in the UK, we will not consider your application. 

We are a Tier 2 Sponsor for suitably trained and qualified teachers. For more information on applying for a Visa for the UK please click here.

Living and Working in the UK 

On arrival in the UK, just like UK residents, will need to apply for a National Insurance Number. This is the key identifier for taxation, national pension and importantly, National Insurance contributions. While UK Citizens are awarded their National Insurance Number when they turn 16, those moving from overseas to the UK will need to attend an interview at their local UK Social Security Office. At Insignis Academy Trust (IAT), we treat this as paid leave and we will always release new overseas staff to attend this meeting. 


Undergraduate Degrees

A degree from an overseas recognised university maybe considered of the same educational standard as a UK awarded degree. However in many cases, your degree and Teaching Qualification will need to be assessed. For more information please visit

If a degree is highly technical or transcripts need to be translated, an employer may seek an assessment of the qualification. It is always useful to have your degree transcript available, and the original degree certificate is required as part of the recruitment process.

Higher Degrees and Teaching Qualifications

The process for higher degrees and Teaching Qualifications is the same as for an undergraduate degree. 

You should have your qualifications assessed prior to Visa application. 

Probation Periods

Overseas teachers are still subject to probation as part of their employment. Please note, that failure to complete probation successfully would impact your Visa status.