Ingignis Academy Trust

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About Insignis Academy Trust


Insignis - "Remarkable" in Latin

Established in 2016, Insignis Academy Trust (IAT) has the primary objective of improving education.

IAT believes that all children should receive a fulfilling, aspirational and successful educational experience. As a Multi Academy Trust and an education charity IAT works locally with schools in Buckinghamshire and currently consists of six schools, Ashmead Combined School (ACS), Princes Risborough School (PRS), Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School (SHFGS), Sir William Ramsay School (SWR), The Kingsbrook School (TKS) and The Mandeville School (TMS). The intention of IAT is to grow and collaborate with other schools and trusts to create a significant enhancement to the education of students locally.

The IAT motto is:

Collaborate to Succeed

Our collective goal is for all IAT schools to be Remarkable in their own right and support all our students to make the most of themselves and be well prepared, academically and personally, for their next steps in adult life, whichever path they choose.

The Trust is managed by a Board of Trustees who are responsible for strategic direction as outlined in the Strategic Plan and have financial accountability for the use of public funds within our educational remit. A Finance & Audit Committee operates across the Trust and reports directly to the Board. 

Each school within the Trust has a Local Governing Body (LGB), which meets twice a term. The LGB’s are accountable for the delivery of the annual School Development Plan and critically review the work of the school in providing high quality education to students, ensuring that policies and guidelines set clear working parameters, including for the safeguarding of students and staff, effective recruitment and retention of staff and having consideration for the school's budget.  

The LGB’s are informed and assisted by key members of each school's Senior Leadership Team, whilst also reserving the right to call on all members of staff to assist them in delivering the school's objectives.  

Parents and carers are able to contact the IAT Board of Trustees  via the schools or email below: