Ingignis Academy Trust

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Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School 

School Motto: Working Together to Inspire, Challenge & Achieve

Executive Headteacher: Mr Simon Baker

Head of School: Mr Sam Holdsworth

Number on roll: 1350

 School Vision 

The grammar school of today


SHFGS is a co-educational selective school in North Buckinghamshire. The environment is one in which high standards in every aspect of school life are the norm. Whilst academic success is extremely important, the school also works very hard to ensure that young people develop into successful adults – in the broadest sense. The environment provides a platform for supportive, caring and encouraging relationships that enable young people to thrive and flourish. SHFGS was the foundational school for Insignis Academy Trust, when the Trust was established in July 2016

OFSTED Rating 

Outstanding – December 2022

Important Documents

For more information on admissions to SHFGS and information on the 11+ Transfer Test please click here.

 This Policy also creates the Admissions Rule that Year 11 students at other IAT schools will be given admissions preference for the SHFGS Sixth Form. 




Telephone: 01296 424781

Local Governing Body Contact Details


Oxford Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP21 8PE