Ingignis Academy Trust

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Sir William Ramsay School 

School Motto: Respectful, Ambitious, Reliable, Resilient

Executive Headteacher: Mr Marcus Pickover

Head of School: Mr Neil Stocking

Number on roll: 1037

 School Vision 

Empowering Everyone to Achieve


Sir William Ramsay school (SWR) is a co-educational secondary school with a pupil admission number of 195 for years 7 – 13. SWR has a SEN Department that caters for a variety of special needs.  They have two additionally resourced provisions (ARP’s): one for Hearing Impairment and one for Physical Disabilities. The school joined Insignis Academy Trust in March 2024. SWR are developing a culture that is routed in the values of being Respectful, Ambitious, Reliable and Resilient. These are the expected characteristics of an SWR student and form the foundations for future success.

OFSTED Rating 


Important Documents

Sir William Ramsay School Admissions Information




Telephone: 01494 815 211

Local Governing Body Contact Details


Rose Avenue, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP15 7UB